
Showing posts from October, 2022

Mobile Store Management System using PHP and MySQL

 In Mobile Store/Shop Management System we use PHP and MySQL databases. This is the project which keeps records of the inventory products, reviewer details, Order details. The Mobile Store/Shop Management System has two modules i.e. User and Admin. Admin Modules This module provides administrator-related functionalities. The administrator manages the entire application and maintains the profiles of applicants and employers. Dashboard : In this sections, admin can briefly view the total brands, total registered users, total products and total sales. Pages:   In this section, admin can manage the about us and contact us pages. Brand : In this section, admin can manage mobile brands (add/update/delete) and deactivate the brands. Products : In this section, admin can manage the products (add/update/delete) and deactivate the products. Orders : In this section, admin can view the mobile order details and they have also the right to change order status according to current sta...

College Admission Management System in PHP and MySQL | PHP Gurukul

  College Admission Management System in PHP and MySQL In this project, we used PHP and  MySQL database. It has two module 1. User Module 2. Admin Module. User Module: User can contact the administrator by sending emails. User can view the about us and contact us page. User can view notices which are published by the admin. User can view courses that are listed by the admin. User can register themselves. After User/Student Login 1.Dashboard:  In this section, user can see the status of his application. 2.Admission Form:  In this section, user can fill the form and check his / her application form is selected or rejected(which is done by admin). 3.Submit Fees:  In this section, If user/student application is selected user can submit their fees. A user can also update his/ her profile, change the password and recover the password. Admin Module In this module, there are ten sections Dashboard:  In this section, the admin can see all the detail in brief. Reg Us...

Global PHP Constants | PHP Gurukul

  What is PHP Constants? Constants are variables Constants are variables except that once they are defined they can’t be changed or undefined. A constant is an identifier (name) for a simple value. The value cannot be changed during the script. A valid constant name starts with a letter or underscore. ( no   $ sign  before the constant name). Note:  Unlike variables, constants are automatically global across the entire script. How to create a PHP constant You can create a constant by using the define () function. Use the define function to specify the name and value of a constant. (name, value, case-insensitive). Many programmers use capital letters to name constants – so they stand out. Note: Since a constant can not be change you do not use a $ sign before it’s name when you declare it or (use it). Parameters name :  Specifies the name of the constant value :  Specifies the value of the constant case-insensitive :  Specifies whether the constant name...

CodeIgniter Interview Questions and Answers | PHP Gurukul

  1. What is CodeIgniter ? Answers :  C odeIgniter is open source & powerful framework used for developing web applications on PHP. It is based on MVC(Model, View, Controller) pattern. 2.  What are the features of CodeIgniter ? Answer :   1. It is an open source framework and free to use. 2. It is extremely light weighted. 3. It is based on MVC(Model, View, Controller) pattern. 4.It has full featured database classes and support for several platforms. 5.Excellent documentation. 3. How you can add or load a model in CodeIgniter ? Answer :   1 $ this -> load -> model ( 'Model_Name' ) ; 4.How you can connect models to  database manually ? Answer :   To connect database manually use following syntax :   1 $ this > load -> database ( ) ;   5.Explain views in CodeIgniter ? Answer :  View folder contains all the markup files like header,footer, sidebar etc. They can be reused by embedding them anywhere in the controll... vs. | PHP Gurukul

The one major difference between and is who’s actually hosting your website. With, You host your own blog or website. is where you’ll find the free WordPress software that you can download and install on your own web server. Getting your WordPress site set up involves purchasing a domain name, buying a hosting plan and then installing WordPress on your server. Most hosting companies provide instructions or services to install WordPress for you., on the other hand, takes care of all of the hostings for you. You don’t have to download software, pay for hosting, or manage a web server. Pros and Cons of vs. Both and have pros and cons, depending on your needs. If you’re not interested in paying for your own hosting, managing your own web server or paying someone else to handle that for you, you’ll probably want to Click :

WordPress Directory and File Structure | PHP Gurukul

Once you install the WordPress site, you will see the WordPress directory & file structure of the WordPress. There are three main directories wp-admin wp-content wp-includes Apart from these directories, there are also some files available in the WordPress root directory. index.php license.txt readme.html wp-activate.php wp-blog-header.php wp-comments-post.php wp-config-sample.php wp-cron.php wp-links-opml.php wp-load.php wp-login.php wp-mail.php wp-settings.php wp-signup.php wp-trackback.php xmlrpc.php .htaccess wp-config.php wp-admin wp-admin folder used to control the WordPress dashboard. This folder contains all the files of WordPress installation. wp-admin folder is responsible for the WordPress site admin dashboard, establishing a database connection. The admin.php file is the min file of this folder, which is used to perform all important functions like whether the user is having administrative rights or not. This folder is one of the core folder of WordPress. Click : https...