
Showing posts from November, 2022

Online Course Material Management System using PHP and MySQL

 The application is named “ Online Course Material Management System Project ” which is a web-based application. This application will be most convenient for users’ study purposes and they will be benefited most. Because this application has beneficial and helpful features exists which will be used by the user. In this application, there have two panels i.e., Admin and User panel. Project Requirments Project Name Online Course Material Management System Project (Using PHP & MYSQli) Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Project Modules In this project, we use PHP and  MySQL database. It has two modules, admin and user. Admin Panel: Dashboard:  In this section, admin can view all the detail in brief like Total Courses, Total Classes, Total Subjects, and Total Registered Users. Class:  In this section, admin can mana...

Global Employee Management System using PHP and MySQL | PHP Gurukul

  Employee Management System is a web-based application developed using PHP and MySQL The objective of the  Employee Management System  is to allow the administrator of any organization to edit and find out the personal details of an employee and allows the employee to keep up to date with his profile. It’ll also facilitate keeping all the records of employees, such as their id, name, mailing address, phone number, DOB, etc. So all the information about an employee will be available in a few seconds. Project Requirements Project Name Employee Management System Project (Using PHP & MySQLi Extension) Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Project Module The different types of modules present in this project are Admin Employee Click : Admin: Dashboard :...

Local Services Search Engine Management System Using PHP and MySQL

  Local Services Search Engine Management System Using PHP and MySQL LSSEMS is a web-based application that helps users to find a service provider in a local area such as a maid, tuition teacher, plumber, etc. In this project, there are two modules i.e. admin and user. Project Name Local Services Search Engine Management System Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Last Updated 15 June 2022 Project Modules In this project, PHP and MySQL were used. This project contains two modules i.e. Admin, and user. Admin Admin Setting:   In this section, admin can update their profile, change their password, and log out.  Dashboard:  In this section, admin can briefly view the total number of categories and the total number of people. Service Category:  In this section, admin can manage the category (Add/Update). Person ...

Global Food Ordering System Using PHP and MySQL | PHP Gurukul

  Food Ordering System Using PHP and MySQL Project Name Food Ordering System Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Last Updated 06 June 2021 Food Ordering System using PHP and MySQL In FOS we use PHP and MySQL database. In this project any person can order food online. It has two modules, admin and user. Admin Module Dashboard:  In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like a total order, not confirmed order, confirmed order, Total food being prepared, Total food pickup, Total food delivery, Total canceled orders, and Total user. Reg Users:  In this section, admin can manage the registered user (view/update). Food Category:  In this section, admin can manage the food category (Add, delete and Update). Food Menu:  In this section, admin can manage the food menu (Add, delete and Update). Orders:  In ...

CREDIT CARD Application Management System Using PHP and MySQL

  Credit Card Application Management System Project is a web-based technology the main purpose of this project is to provide all online credit card application management. Users can apply for credit cards online and check the application status by using his/her name /mobile number/application number. Project Requirements Project Name Credit Card Application Management Project (Using PHP & MYSQLi) Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Project Modules In Credit Card Application Management System Project we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of admin/sub-admin and also manages the credit card application. Credit Card Application Management System has three modules i.e. admin, Sub-Admins, and users. Admin Module Dashboard : In this section admin can briefly view total number of Subadmins and total n...

Doctor Appointment Management System Using PHP and MySQL | PHP Gurukul

 “ Doctor Appointment Management System ” is responsible for keeping all the records of doctor appointments that are taken by users. This system helps the patient take an appointment online and save time.  The main objective of the “Doctor Appointment Management System” project is to provide easier doctor appointment and gets appointment online which save lots of time. Project Requirements Project Name Doctor Appointment Management System Project (Using PHP & PDO Extension) Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Project Module In Doctor Appointment Management Project we use PHP and MySQL Database. This project has two modules i.e. doctor and user. Doctor Module 1. Dashboard :  In this section, the doctor can briefly view the total number of new appointment, total approved appointment,s and total canceled appointments. 2...

Complaint Management System Pro version using PHP and MySQL

  Complaint Management System Pro version using PHP and MySQL Project Name Complaint Management System Pro version Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Last Updated 1 September 2021 1.ADMIN PANEL 1. Admin Login Admin can log in through the login form. 2. Dashboard In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like the total complaints, in-process complaints, and closed complaints. Admin can also view sub-admin complaints status. 3. Category Admin can manage categories (Add, update, delete) 4. Sub Category Admin can manage Subcategories (Add, update, delete) 5. State Admin can manage states (Add, update, delete) 6. Sub-admin: Admin can manage subadmins (Add, Update) 7. Manage Complaints Access Complaint info, Change Complaint status, and also forwarded complaints to the subamdmins. 8. Manage the Users Admin can manage all the U...

CREDIT CARD Application Management System Using PHP and MySQL

  Credit Card Application Management System Project is a web-based technology the main purpose of this project is to provide all online credit card application management. Users can apply for credit cards online and check the application status by using his/her name /mobile number/application number. Project Requirements Project Name Credit Card Application Management Project (Using PHP & MYSQLi) Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Project Modules In Credit Card Application Management System Project we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of admin/sub-admin and also manages the credit card application. Credit Card Application Management System has three modules i.e. admin, Sub-Admins, and users. Admin Module Dashboard : In this section admin can briefly view total number of Subadmins and total n...

Blood Donor Management System Using CodeIgniter | PHP Gurukul

  Blood Donor Management System Project Using CodeIgniter is a Web-Based application. This application is used to maintain the Blood Donor Record based on the blood group. Blood Donor Management Project developed using  CodeIgniter  (PHP framework) and  MySQL  Database. BDMS Project Requirements Blood Donor Management System Using CodeIgniter Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x PHP Framework Used CodeIgniter Database MySQL 5.x User Interface Design HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) Project Modules BDMS has three modules i.e. admin, Blood Donor, and user. Admin Module Dashboard:  In this section admin can briefly view of Blood Groups and Registered Blood Donors. Blood Groups:  In this section, admin can manage the Subjects (add/delete). User Details:  In this section, admin can view, and delete the registered blood donors. Profile : In this section admin can update his/...

Looping Statement In PHP - While Loop, Do While Loop, For Loop, Foreach Loop and Break and Continue Statement

  What is Looping Statement In PHP ? Loops execute a block of code a specified number of times, or while a specified condition is true. Type of Loops in PHP The while Loop The Do …while Loop The For Loop The Foreach Loop Break and Continue Statement The While Loop While structure is the another type of loop statement, where the condition is checked at first, the iteration will not stop even if the value changes while executing Statements. Syntax-   while ( condition ) { code to be executed } Example-    <?php $i = 0 ; while ( $i <= 10 ) { //output value 0 from 10 echo "The Number is " . $i . "<br>" ; $i ++ ; } ?> Output- The Number is 0 The Number is 1 The Number is 2 The Number is 3 The Number is 4 The Number is 5 The Number is 6 The Number is 7 The Number is 8 The Number is 9 The Number is 10 The Do While Loop Do while statement is same as the while statement, the only difference is that it evaluates the expression at the end. Syntax –  ...

What is PHP Data Type and Variable’s Data Type | PHP Gurukul

  What is PHP Data Type ? All data stored in PHP variables fall into one of eight basic categories, known as data types. A variable’s data type determines what operations can be carried out on the variable’s data, as well as the amount of memory needed to hold the data. Types of Data Types in PHP Booleans Integers Doubles/Float Strings NULL Arrays Objects Resources Booleans This data type can only hold two types of values, which include TRUE and FALSE. There are situations that demand expressions to be evaluated as boolean giving the result of TRUE and FALSE. While performing such evaluations, the following rules must be kept in mind- If the expression evaluates to a number, which is zero, then the value of the expression is FALSE. Any other number is considered non-zero and is evaluated as TRUE. If the expression evaluates to a string, then the Boolean value of the expression is TRUE if it evaluates to a valid string. On the other hand, if the string is empty, then the expression ...