Pre-School Enrollment System using PHP and MySQL | PHP Gurukul

 Pre-School Enrollment System using PHP and MySQL is a web-based application. Through this application, parents can check the Pre-School information, can schedule the school visit, and also fill out the enrollment form.

Project Requirements
Project NamePre-School Enrollment System Project in PHP
Language UsedPHP5.6, PHP7.x
DatabaseMySQL 5.x
Web BrowserMozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
SoftwareXAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)
Project Modules

In Pre-School Enrollment Project we use PHP and MySQL Database. Pre-School Enrollment System has three modules i.e user, admin, and Subadmin.

User Module

Home page: It is a welcome page for users. Its contain brief information about the preschool.

About: It is an about us page of the website/Pre-School.

Classes: This Section contains information about the classes.

Contact us: This section contains the contact details of the preschool.

Schedule a visit: Through this section, parents can schedule their visit to school.

Enroll now: Through this parents can fill out the enrollment form of the child.

Admin Module

Dashboard: In this section, the admin can briefly view the total number of sub-admin, classes, and teachers, the total number of enrollments, new enrollments, rejected enrollments, approved enrollments, total number of visitors, visited visitors, not visited visitors.

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Sub-Admins: In this section, Admin can create the subamin, delete sub-admins, edit sub-admins, and reset the passwords of subadmins.

Teachers: In this section, admin can add, update/edit and delete the teachers.

Classes: In this section, admin can add, update/edit and delete the classes.

Enrollments: In this section, admin can view the enrollment and take actions on new enrollments.

Visits: In this section, admin can view and maintain the visits.

Page:  In this section, admin can manage the about us and contact us pages.

Account Setting: Admin can update his profile, and change the password.

Admin can also recover the password.

Sub-Admin Module

Sub-Admin and Admin features are the same except Sub-Admin creation. Sub-Admin can’t create the Sub-Admins.


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