How to get Sales reports from the database using PHP | PHP Gurukul

In this tutorial, we will learn how to get sales to report month-wise and year-wise in PHP from the database.

In this example, we will guide you through a step-by-step procedure for sales records.

Sales report data in PHP and MySQL will look as follows:

sales report in php

Step1: First create a database with name “salesmydb” where order data is stored.

Step2: Second is to create a table with the name “tblproduct” and insert the products data.

Step3: Third step is to create a table with the name “tblorder” where order details data is stored.

Step4: Create a database connection file and save this file with the name “config.php”. Below is the code of database connection.

Step5: Create a form with three fields which is “From Date”, “To Date” and “Request Type”

Step 6: PHP code for fetching data from the database on the basis of from date, to date and request type.

To Get Full Details :

Here is the full code that we have written for this tutorial:


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